Why Choose BVD Virtual Assistants?

Process Oriented, Contingency Plans, Teamwork
hands on top of another signifying team work

Process Documentation

Process documentation is very important for the BVD Virtual Assistants team. This documentation will serve as a guide or process manual on the tasks you assign to your VA.

As part of our 3-Step Process, Integrate-Innovate-Automate, we make sure that all regular and occasional tasks are well documented and compiled in a handbook.

There are several upsides to keeping a process manual, and the most obvious reason is it being part of a Business Contingency Plan ( BCP ). It can also be a tool as you scale up your business.

Standard operating procedures are black and white, literally and figuratively, and can easily do skills transfer to whoever wants to join your team.

Business Contingency Plan (BCP)

Years of experience rendering virtual services have made us invest and adapt to various situations that may cause interruption of our assistance to our clients. Because of these, we have plans on possible situations that may cause delay or even interruption of providing your services.

Internet is very important in rendering remote services. To make sure that we are online, we have backup internet service providers whom we can switch to in case of an internet outage.

Electric power failure can also cause delay/interruption of our services to you. That's why we have backup power generators on standby to be sure that power failure will not be a challenge.

Your VA, like most regular office-based employees, may have personal or family emergencies sometimes. Not to mention that they may need to take some vacation off to keep a healthy mind and esteem. That's why Process documentation, as described above, is something we put importance on.

We also employ supervisors, which are totally at no cost to you, to make sure that performance, attendance, workload and other business operation needs are well-managed.


With BVD Virtual Assistants, it will look like you are hiring a VA but in essence, you are hiring a supervisor as well, free of charge.

The main goal of a Supervisor is to Monitor the Work and Progress of your VA.

In line with our Business Contingency Plan (BCP), we always have a supervisor take part in your VA's daily tasks, activities, and occasional trainings.

This is to ensure that even if your VA will not be available on some days, we always have someone to take care of any tasks pending. Also, in case you wish to have a different VA or another VA to help out, skill transfer will be faster as we will have your assigned supervisor do the training for the replacement VA.
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